Indigo Stem Borer. I have found a few individuals at my UV lights in late September and early October.
Ironweed Borer, one of many species in the Papaipema genus (borer moths). This is my favorite borer moth. Fresh individuals are stunningly beautiful.
Ironweed Borer, photographed October 7, 2016. The gold markings seem to glow in the dark.
Ash-tip Borer. I have found a few of these at my lights in September.
This is a Northern Burdock Borer, very similar to the species above. Many of the borer moths (genus Papaipema) are very similar in appearance. Always consult reference guides when working with this tricky genus!
Aster Borer, photographed October 10, 2019. Notice the black "V" shape in the middle of each wing; together, these "V"s form a large black "W".
Another Ash-tip Borer that came to my moth lights.
Another variation of the Stalk Borer moth. Some Stalk Borers have no spots on their wings.
Northern Burdock Borer (same individual as above). I have found a couple of Northern Burdock Borers at my lights, all in early September.
Rigid Sunflower Borer. This individual came to my lights on September 25, 2023, and it is my only sighting of this species.
Rigid Sunflower Borer. The red spot on its head is from where the scales have worn off.
Ash-tip Borer (same individual as above, from a different angle).
Ironweed Borer (same individual as above), found at my lights on September 28, 2023.
Another Ironweed Borer. I have found a few individuals in late September and early October.
Another Aster Borer, photographed October 23, 2024. These are my only two sightings of the species.
Stalk Borer. These moths have a very powdery appearance.
Another view of the Stalk Borer (same individual as above). A couple of these moths have visited my lights in September.