Bent-line Carpet Moth, an abundant species in our area.
This is a female Gem moth. Females are reddish with a hollow white spot on each wing. I have found this species every month from April through October.
The Gem moth. This individual is a male. Male Gem moths are very similar to Bent-line Carpets, but they have a black dash near the apex of the wing (faint in this individual).
Toothed Brown Carpet. I have found several individuals at my UV lights from March through September.
Red Twin-spot moth (also called the Dark-barred Twin-spot moth). I have found this species from April through August.
Bent-line Carpet moths fly continuously from February through November. (My personal early and late dates are February 21 and November 6).
Another Red Twin-spot moth. This moth is camouflaged against lichen on a tree trunk. Photographed at Cox Arboretum on June 21, 2014.
Another Toothed Brown Carpet at my moth lights. This individual was my personal late date for the species (September 9, 2022).