Another Black-banded Owlet, attracted with UV lights. The color is paler than in the two individuals above. 

Dark Phalaenostola moth. Attracted with UV light on August 21, 2021. 

Decorated Owlet. This beautiful owlet moth was photographed on July 4, 2016, at Shawnee State Forest (in southern Ohio).

Pale Phalaenostola moth, photographed at Cox Arboretum on May 29, 2021. Note the long palps. 

Black-banded Owlet, photographed on June 27, 2020 at Beavercreek Wildlife Area. I have seen a few of these moths from May through August. 

Dark-banded Owlet, photographed at Cox Arboretum

Dark-banded Owlet at my moth lights. I have found a few individuals from May through August.

Another Black-banded Owlet. This one was also photographed at the Beavercreek Wildlife Area. 

Eyed Dysodia. These are beautiful little moths. Their wings look like they are brushed with gold flakes. I have found a few individuals at my lights in June and August.  

Decorated Owlet, photographed May 14, 2023 at Hocking Hills (eastern Ohio). I have not yet found this species at my home lights. The larvae feed on blueberries.  

Another Dark-banded Owlet, a little paler than the two individuals above. 

White-spotted Redectis moth. These moths are apparently not very common. I found two individuals at my lights in August 2024, but those are the only ones I have seen. 

Another Pale Phalaenostola, found at my home moth lights on May 21, 2024. These are the only two individuals I have seen.