FLANNEL moths and White Furcula
White Flannel Moth (also known as the moth having a bad hair day!).
Black-waved Flannel Moth. Doesn't it look like a long-eared bunny rabbit? I have not yet found this species at my home lights. This one was photographed on July 4, 2016, at Shawnee State Forest. I have also seen them at Hocking Hills.
White Flannel Moth. This moth is more common in the southern United States than in Ohio. We are near the northern limit of its range. This individual was photographed at Cox Arboretum on August 11, 2017.
I have found several White Flannel Moths at my lights from late June through early August. Their caterpillars have a very nasty sting, but the fuzzy adult moths are harmless.
White Furcula moth. This species is more common in eastern Ohio than in our part of the state. I have only found three individuals at my home lights.
White Furcula moth with its wings spread (same individual as above).
Another White Furcula. My three sightings were on June 13 and July 7, 2024, and July 29, 2023.