Four-Spotted SKIMMER

I managed to find Four-spotted Skimmers at three other locations on June 18, 2023: Caesar Creek Wildlife Area, Oakes Quarry, and Cox Arboretum. These migrants were being reported from several other sites across Ohio at the time. 

Four-spotted Skimmers are northern species. They are common in Canada, but they are seldom seen in southern Ohio. In rare years, we get an unexpected outbreak of this species. 

There are many theories as to why Ohio had such an unusual outbreak of Four-spotted Skimmers in 2023. The most likely explanation is that these migrants were brought down by strong winds out of the north. But there are also theories that Four-spotted Skimmers might have cyclical irruptions, or even that the wildfire smoke in Canada might have played a factor. 

One such outbreak occurred in 2023. A Four-spotted Skimmer had been reported from Bill Yeck Park on June 17, 2023. I headed there the next day and found my lifer Four-spotted Skimmer. 

The Four-spotted Skimmers only stuck around for about a week in 2023. I saw them between June 18 through June 25, 2023, and then they were gone. 

All of the locations where I saw the Four-spotted Skimmers had similar habitat. They were all small, shallow, fishless, well-vegetated wetlands located in open meadows or open areas. Four-spotted Skimmers  prefer this kind of habitat--the same type of habitat which is also good for Painted Skimmers and spreadwings. 

The last big incursion of this species, (prior to 2023), occurred in 2009 in southern Ohio. Let's hope we do not need to wait another 14 years to see these dragonflies again!