Grass-Veneer MOTHS
I see Vagabond Crambus moths in good numbers at my lights, mostly in September but also in early October.
Elegant Grass-veneer. This moth appears to have a "scary" face on its wings: two angry eyes and a frown.
Vagabond Crambus. This species is also known as the Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth.
Topiary Grass-veneer. I have found a couple of these moths at my lights in June and July.
Eastern Grass-veneer. I have seen a couple of these moths in the month of May.
Double-banded Grass-veneer. Common at my lights from June through August.
Arequipa turbatella, photographed July 7, 2017. This is my only sighting of this lovely species. The wings are solid white except for a few black dots.
Gold-stripe Grass-veneer. These are very tiny little moths, even for a grass-veneer. Found at my lights on June 8, 2024.
Another Elegant Grass-veneer. This species is abundant from May to September, with stragglers into October. The individual at left was photographed July 3, 2015, at Huffman Prairie.