Ambiguous Moth, Green Cloverworm, Smoky & Florida Tetanolita, Thin-winged Owlet, and Splendid Palpita

Green Cloverworms are the only moths that I have seen every month of the year, from January through December! They are exceptionally numerous in August and September, when they can appear in swarms by the hundreds. 

Ambiguous Moth. This is a very common species at my moth lights. 

Green Cloverworm. This is one of our area's most abundant moths. They can fly year-round. Adults hibernate and emerge on warm winter days. 

Ambiguous Moth. Their wings have a lovely violet sheen. 

Smoky Tetanolita. These tiny gray moths are late season fliers. 

I have seen Smoky Tetanolita moths from July through November, but they are most common at my lights in October. 

Thin-winged Owlet moth. These come to my lights in small numbers. I find them in late May and early June, and then again in August. 

Splended Palpita moth. These are very common at my lights, and highly variable in pattern. I find them every month from April through September. 

This is a Florida Tetanolita moth. They are lighter in color than Smoky Tetanolita moths, and note the smaller and darker reniform spot. This individual is my only sighting (photographed August 29, 2024). 

Another Ambiguous Moth. I have found them every month from April through October.