IO Moth

Male Io Moths are yellow with squiggly dark lines. 

Males have reddish shading on their hindwings (as opposed to rosy-pink in females).

If we were having a beauty contest for moths, I would pick the Io Moth as the runner-up (second only to the Luna Moth for beauty). I found this individual resting on a tree trunk at Caesar Creek, on June 11, 2016.

The individual at left and above is a female. Female Io Moths are larger than the males, and reddish-brown rather than yellow

A pair of male and female Io Moths basking in the cozy, romantic glow of my moth lights. 

The large eyespots are meant to frighten away predators when the eyespots are suddenly displayed. 

Who could resist such a cute, fuzzy little face? 

The eyespots have a fake white "pupil." I think the pupils on this Io Moth resemble galaxies floating in a field of stars. 

I have seen this species at my UV lights many times, mostly in June and early July. My extreme early and late sightings are May 23rd and July 12th.