Distinct Sparganothis. I have seen these moths during the daytime at Cox Arboretum, Grant Park, and Huffman Prairie. 

Another Distinct Sparganothis, more faded than the one above. My sightings have been in August and early September. 

Sparganothis Fruitworm, photographed June 16, 2018 at Siebenthaler Fen. 

Another Sparganothis Fruitworm, at my moth lights on October 6, 2023. 

Reticulated Fruitworm, photographed July 29, 2016 at my moth lights. I have found a couple of these moths in July. I love the snout! 

Four-lined Leafroller. I have seen a couple of these moths at my lights in June. 

Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller. I have seen this moth a couple of times in June and August

Oblique-banded Leafroller. They arrive at my lights from May through September. 

Parallel-banded Leafroller. These moths also visit my lights from May through September. 

Broken-banded Leafroller. I have seen a few of these moths at my lights in May and June. 

Another Broken-banded Leafroller at my moth lights. 

Another Oblique-banded Leafroller. Note how the wings are pinched and then flare out again. 

Another Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller. This individual is a little more worn than the one above.