Tiger and Lichen MOTHS

Painted Lichen moth. A very common species that is thought to mimic fireflies. 

Painted Lichen moth nectaring alongside a bee, on butterfly weed flowers at Cox Arboretum. 

Harnessed Tiger moth with its wings spread. This species is very similar to the Nais Tiger moth. However, Nais Tiger moths usually do not have the two black spots on the collar. 

Harnessed Tiger moth resting on a red coleus leaf. 

This is an Arge Moth, another species of tiger moth. This individual is the only one I have ever seen. Found at my UV lights on August 26, 2020. 

Virgin Tiger Moth, photographed July 25, 2021 in Adams County, Ohio. These moths are much larger than Harnessed Tiger moths, and they have more yellow lines on their wings. 

Another Virgin Tiger Moth, photographed July 24, 2022 in Adams County, Ohio. I have not yet found this species at my home lights. 

Scarlet-winged Lichen moth. The background color is solid red, without the yellow highlights of a Painted Lichen moth. I photographed this Scarlet-winged Lichen moth in Adams County, Ohio on July 23, 2022. I have not yet found this species at my home lights. 

I usually find Painted Lichen Moths in late June and July, with stragglers into August. 

I have found Harnessed Tiger moths every month from April through November. My personal early and late sightings are April 28th and November 5th. 

Harnessed Tiger moth. A very common species in our area. 

Black-and-Yellow Lichen moth. I have found several of these day-flying moths at the Germantown MetroPark dam in late May and early June. 

Harnessed Tiger moths eat dandelions and clover, among other plants, which explains why they are so common!