Woolly Gray moth. The pattern is similar to the Half-wing moth, but Woolly Grays have alternating dark and light bands. 

The Half-wing moth. This species and the others on this page fly in late winter and early spring.

The Half-wing moth. These moths are typically found in March and early April (as soon as the weather starts to warm up).

Small Phigalia moth. A common species, typically seen in late February or March. (I have found them as early as February 12th.) 

Another Toothed Phigalia moth. These moths fly in February and March. My earliest sighting is February 8th. They usually fly just a little earlier than the Small Phigalias, but there is some overlap.  

This is a Toothed Phigalia moth. Notice the continuous jagged "teeth" on the PM line. There is also a strong upward bulge on the PM line, near the inner wing margin. 

A darker variation of a Woolly Gray moth. 

Another Woolly Gray moth. I have found a few of these moths, mostly in April and also early May.  

Another Small Phigalia moth. This species is very similar to the Toothed Phigalia (below), but Small Phigalias have either a faint gap or a small, smooth section in the PM line, whereas a Toothed Phigalia has continuous jagged "teeth."