Zebra Conchylodes, Box Tree Moth, Melonworm Moth, and Four-spotted Palpita
Melonworm Moth. These moths are a native species, but they are uncommon migrants to Ohio. They usually have a tuft of furry scales at the tip of their abdomens. This particular individual has lost most of his tuft, but the wing pattern is still recognizable. These moths typically live further south, but they occasionally stray north to Ohio. I saw this individual at Cox Arboretum on October 17, 2017. It is the only Melonworm Moth I have ever seen.
Zebra Conchylodes, a very beautiful moth.
Another Zebra Conchylodes. I have found a couple of these moths in June, July, and August, but they are not very common at my lights.
Zebra Conchylodes moths have wonderfully shiny and pearlescent wings.
Box Tree Moth, a non-native species. These moths were introduced from Asia and have established themselves very quickly in a few short years. They now have thriving populations in the Dayton and Cincinnati areas. I never saw any of these moths until 2024, but I found three of them at my lights in June and September 2024.
Another Box Tree Moth. These moths only eat non-native boxwoods, so whether you consider them a "pest" probably depends on whether you have ornamental boxwoods growing in your yard. Personally, I think these are beautiful moths and I don't mind having them around. They are very similar to the migrant Melonworm Moth (below), but note that a Box Tree Moth has little white crescent-shaped markings above the white patch on each wing.
Four-spotted Palpita. A beautiful moth with translucent wings.
Four-spotted Palpita moths are uncommon in Ohio. Most observations are further to our south. I found this one at my lights on June 23, 2024. It is the only one I have seen.